Tuesday Series: Pleyel Ensemble


19:30 - 21:15


St Ann's Church
St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LF

Event Type

Fisheye pleyel

Tuesday Series: Pleyel Ensemble

      • Bartok Contrasts
      • Milhaud Suite, Op. 157
      • Adam Gorb New Work (second performance)

Taking its name from the composer Ignaz Pleyel (1757 – 1831), the Pleyel Ensemble was formed in 2011 by some of the UK’s finest and most experienced performers who, like their eponymous composer, share a passion for innovative chamber music. They are generously supported by the Ida Carroll Trust, the Ralph Vaughan-William Trust and an anonymous donor. Tickets available online (no booking fee) or on the door at the following prices:

£6.00 (Concessions),
£3.00 (Student)

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