A free organ recital: the last in the series. The organ recital series is ‘on holiday’ until 2nd September.
What’s On
17 Sep 24Manchester18 Sep 24Manchester19 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24ManchesterCalendar
SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS112:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion56812:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion131512:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion19202212:15 PM - Said Holy Communion2412:15 PM - Said Holy Communion26272912:15 PM - Said Holy Communion3112:15 PM - Said Holy Communion23