The service of Choral Matins replaces the usual Sunday Eucharist for exceptional reasons. A said Holy Communion service will take place at 9am as usual.
What’s On
19 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24Manchester24 Sep 24ManchesterCalendar
SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS212:15 PM - Said Holy Communion412:15 PM - Said Holy Communion67912:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion13141612:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion20212312:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion27283012:15 PM - Holy Communion1:00 PM - RNCM Recital12:15 PM - Holy Communion45