Musick in Manchester – Manchester Baroque


19:30 - 21:30


St Ann's Church
St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LF

Manchester Baroque Season 2019-20 Opening Concert
275th anniversary of the first Manchester subscription series concert, 1744/45
The reconstruction of the 1744/45 concert series represents part of a current research project being undertaken by Dr. Pauline Nobes, Artistic Director of Manchester Baroque.
Based on a uniquely detailed and what appears to be a scholarly and accurate transcript of a set of accounts of the first ever concert-giving activity in Manchester, this concert series proposes to reconstruct the 16 subscription concerts which took place between November 2nd, 1744 and August 20th, 1745. These accounts, written in a small “cyphering” account book dated Nov. 1st 1744, were published a hundred years later (in 1844) by a gentleman journalist John Harland.

Soprano:             Cally Youdell
Violins:                Pauline Nobes, Sophie Simpson, Alice Earll, James Woodrow.
Viola:                   Alex Mitchell.
Cello:                   Heather Bills. Bass: Mike Escreet.
Harpsichord:     Harvey Davies. Flute: Martyn Shaw


Ticket link: here.


George Frideric Handel (1685 –1759) Overture to Ottone (1722). Arrangement by Handel for solo harpsichord
George Frideric Handel ‘Tornami a vagheggiar’ from Alcina (1735)
George Frideric Handel Concerto grosso in G major, Op. 3 No.3 (1734)
Maurice Greene (1696 – 1755) Spenser’s Amoretti (1739)
Carlo Tessarini (1690 – after 1766) Sonata in F major, Op.2 No.1 (c. 1736)
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 – 1713) Trio Sonata in A major, Op.1 No.3 (1681)


Arcangelo Corelli Concerto Grosso in F major,Op.6 No.2 (1714)
Richard Jones Suite 1 in D minor from Suites or Setts of Lessons for the Harpsichord (1732
Georg Frederick Handel ‘Falsa imagine, m’ingannasti’, from Ottone
Arcangelo Corelli Trio Sonata in D major, Op 2 No.1 (1685)
Pietro Guiseppi Boni (d. ca.1750) Sonata No. 3 in E minor (1730)
Carlo Tessarini Concerto a Cinque III in G major (1734)