Common Ground: Howard Barlow Photographic Exhibition
We are very pleased and privileged to be hosting this wonderful selection of images taken by the photographer Howard Barlow. 3 October – 30 November.
Common Ground displays a selection of images that help us to reflect on what it means to turn our face towards home. Images taken from the back streets of Salford, Moss Side and Manchester city centre during the 80’s and revisited today, help us to reminisce about what it means to belong, to our city, our family, our community and to ourselves.
This exhibition is A Belonging Project. More details at www.abelongingproject.co.uk
Entry is free and the exhibition is open when the church is: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 5pm. Sometimes there is restricted access due to services (especially on Sunday’s) and events. Please check our home page to see when that is or call the church to check especially if you are traveling a distance.