A joyful celebration of the coming of the Saviour!
What’s On
16 Mar 25Manchester16 Mar 25Manchester16 Mar 25Manchester18 Mar 25ManchesterCalendar
SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS2912:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - RNCM Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion349:00 AM - Said Holy Communion10:45 AM - Sunday Eucharist (Congregational Setting)5:00 PM - Choral Evensong612:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion107:30 PM - Manchester baroque - Intimate Notes1312:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion17182012:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion12:00 AM - Manchester Flower Festival11:00 AM - St Ann's Spring Fair11:00 AM - Whit Walk 202412:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion311