A meditative service of music and stillness in the tradition of the Taizé community with musicians of St Ann’s.
What’s On
17 Sep 24Manchester18 Sep 24Manchester19 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24Manchester22 Sep 24ManchesterCalendar
SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS112:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion56812:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion131512:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion19202212:15 PM - Said Holy Communion2412:15 PM - Said Holy Communion26272912:15 PM - Said Holy Communion3112:15 PM - Said Holy Communion23