The mysterious and beautiful season of Advent is celebrated with carols led by the choir of St Ann’s.
What’s On
11 Sep 24Manchester12 Sep 24Manchester15 Sep 24Manchester15 Sep 24Manchester15 Sep 24ManchesterCalendar
SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSMTWTFS212:15 PM - Said Holy Communion412:15 PM - Said Holy Communion67912:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion13141612:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion20212312:15 PM - Said Holy Communion1:00 PM - Organ Recital12:15 PM - Said Holy Communion27283012:15 PM - Holy Communion1:00 PM - RNCM Recital12:15 PM - Holy Communion45